Module Documentation

This document is intended for module developers who wish to make use of JQuery to process an array of hierarchical data into a click and expand menu. It is written with the assumption that you are a programmer and that you know how to create multidimensional arrays through recursive functions.
The only function that third party modules need to call from JQuery menu in order to create a click and expand menu is as follows:

theme(‘menu_creation_by_array’, $menutree, $trail);

This calls the theme function menu_creation_by_array() and sends it two arguments:

This page is intended to serve as the base documentation for the Advanced Book Blocks module. Any questions or comments related to the documentation should be posted here. Bug reports, feature request and support request should be filed on the issue queue for the module at If you are looking for a demo of this module look at the block to your upper right labeled “What I can do for you”.

This page is intended to serve as the base documentation for the Advanced Taxonomy Blocks module. Only questions or comments directly related to the documentation should be posted here. Bug reports, feature request and support request should be filed on the issue queue at the Advanced Taxonomy Blocks project page.