Drupal Administration

The longer I have my mac the more things I find that drastically simplify my life as a Drupal developer. Now for fairness sake I should admit that there are still some things about mac that annoy me (namely Finder which is in many ways inferior to the windows explorer), but that is another story all together. Drush, the command line tool for Drupal is one of those many little things that make me very happy to have broken free from the slimy grasp of Bill Gates and his minions.

The Views module for Drupal 6 (also known as Views 2) ships with several default views which allow you to override certain Drupal core list pages. One of the most useful of these views is the view provided for taxonomy term list. Just recently I decided to set up views to override my taxonomy pages so that they would show children terms, but when I jumped into the Views 2 interface and tried to actually do it I was left a little perplexed; if you are reading this page you probably were too.

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This page is intended to serve as the base documentation for the Advanced Book Blocks module. Any questions or comments related to the documentation should be posted here. Bug reports, feature request and support request should be filed on the issue queue for the module at Drupal.org. If you are looking for a demo of this module look at the block to your upper right labeled “What I can do for you”.

This page is intended to serve as the base documentation for the Advanced Taxonomy Blocks module. Only questions or comments directly related to the documentation should be posted here. Bug reports, feature request and support request should be filed on the issue queue at the Advanced Taxonomy Blocks project page.

After spending the last week and a half coding like a mad man and testing the thing to make sure there were no glaring bugs I am finally releasing the Advanced Taxonomy Blocks module. This module took a lot more time and effort than I had expected due to the fact that the Drupal api doesn’t provide a taxonomy tree array that gives all of the necessary information in order to integrate with the JQuery menu module and also due to the fact that I had to rewrite a couple of functions in the JQuery menu module in order to get it to open up for other modules to use.